Sunday, October 23, 2011

Future of Internet Summary


Important Points

Opinion about the trends sited in the report and how the topics of this course relates to these trends.

The UK believes by investing in internet they will be able to reach services to their citizens quicker and much faster than other countries. This could be good or bad depending on how much time is taken to do research into this field, and where the world is going in terms of internet technology. Internet security will become more of a necessity as more confidential information will be lingering around and accessible to those with knowledge of information services.

Future of Technology is already existing in many places such as San Francisco, Barcelona, Korea and China. This makes it very plausible for the United Kingdom to implement it. In my opinion, the UK has always been a world power and a trend that the rest of the world has followed. By taking the step of adopting the future of technology early on, many things can be implemented to improve the country. This will in fact cause more countries to adopt these trends.

Some concepts that stuck out in my mind were: capable access mechanism, wireless connectivity, shared data, and converged services. These concepts along with the cloud will allow users to also instantaneously share information about social, political, business, or any other types of information. I feel that the concepts learned in this article, is what we will be learning in this course and in the Master of Internet Technology Program.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Discussion of Netflix API on Mashery

An API (Application Programming Interface) is used by programs to let users like developers, customers use a program for different reasons. Developers are able to use a program's API to enhance their own programs and add more usability without having to actually develop their own code for the functionality. Netflix developed an API that let many developers see their code, in return netflix would be able to increase their processing by 10%.

There are numerous pros and cons with an API. The pros of an API let's users develop on it. If there were to be innovation, it is much quicker with many looking at the code than just the people who work for Netflix. Netflix coined a term, "Innovation through Iteration" the meaning of this term means that by continually updating their website every two weeks with users feedback, they be ahead of the competition in terms of User friendliness and user experience.

The cons of an API include giving out source code, that competition could use and manipulate to give them the competitive advantage. Also, if enough users use the API the financial cost to host the API through bandwidth may be a financial burden, as there may be no revenue coming through it.

For the Netflix API, I liked the case study and am intrigued at how the company has gained so much presence in the market. Although through recent decisions by the Executives at Netflix, the company seems to be losing steam. The agile business model they kept in the beginning stages helped them get them where they are now. Hulu could become a main competitor, if they also allowed movies and not just Television shows. As time goes on, more and more web streaming service companies will open which will allow customers to stream movies, tv shows, documentaries, etc and Netflix has to keep its competitive advantage by having tested UI that has customers keep coming back for more.

Netflix API: Case Study on Mashery

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Creating a Google Site

Google Sites reminds me of a SAAS program, because the web application allows you to create a website easily without knowledge of HTML. The features of this web application contain: templates, editing pages, creating forms, and more. Google sites, only needs a Google Account and a web browser to run. This makes the services that Google Sites offer was a SAAS.

There are many advantages of working with Google Sites. The user does not need to know HTML to be able to create a website, and can make elaborate websites which include forms, calendars, etc. Google Sites also makes it faster for people who do know HTML to create a website. The average user will benefit from Google Sites as you can create a website through a template and be able to copy the code to make their own stand alone website.

Google sites makes it easy to create a website from a template, but it does have its drawbacks. Google Sites is limited on what you can put on the website, for example the widgets set a limited number of things you can do. While on a regular webpage, you would be able to do anything the web would allow you to. Also it is hard to change a couple of features like the layout of the template.

Google Sites is much like an Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The software packages allows for users to create websites and things related to it. SAAS can be said to be a branch of SOA as it offers many of the same aspects as SOA does. "The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of software services. Services comprise unassociated, loosely coupled units of functionality that have no calls to each other embedded in them." These same characteristics define SAAS.

Reference Source:

My Google Site

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Software As A Service (SAAS)

In the past software has been defined as an application that you run on your personal computer. Software as a service gives a customer the ability to free memory and run the application through the cloud. There can also be drawbacks, if there is no internet connection, or if your internet connection is slow or not consistent.

The three Saasa programs that we examined for class are: Microsoft 365, Zoho, and Google Docs.

Microsoft 365 is much like the Microsoft Office Suite, which is offered as a packaged software. The advantage of the Microsoft 365 SAAS is how close it is to the actual suite. This will have a small learning curve as many people have already used the Microsoft Office suite. Along with the familiar settings, the base of people users who use Microsoft Office will more likely use Microsoft 365 as opposed to other similar SAAS applications.

Zoho has an interface that is very intuitive and user friendly. The advantages of this SAAS is that it has the option to add shapes in the presentation portion, and change themes very easily. I like the usability of this application the best of the three SAAS programs. All the options are very easy to do if you wanted to create a watermark or other features that are not typical of other word processing applications.

Google Docs is a SAAS program that I use on a regular basis. I like the fact that this SAAS lets you convert to Office extensions. Also many of my friends already have a Google Account and can be easily added to documents and presentations. There are collaborative settings where a user can change different aspects of a document, while another user can also change it. Google Docs allows for the user to create forms and drawings, something that the other two SAAS did not allow for.

After reviewing the three programs, I think SAAS is where the future of software will be headed. As the internet becomes more readily available, more users will want to access their documents online and it makes it more convenient to share and collaborate with others.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A3: Business Model Generation Canvas

Virtual Communications the name of a company that I created. The company will be a forum where users will be able to discuss different meanings of communication in the virtual world. Any form of virtual communication, for example (texting, e-mailing, Instant messaging, etc.). Here will be an area where users will be able to post questions and comments about different words and expressions that they see on a daily basis. Many people have always wondered, "What does that mean?" and this website will come to help people understand. There are many books and resources about body language, but there are few resources on Virtual Communication, which is where I believe the world is going to head towards with more and more users becoming familiar with technology.

I created a Business model Canvas for Best Buy. The company is an electronic retail store that also provides services such as: car installs, computer set-up (geek squad), home theater set-up, and much more.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is a router?

The internet is comprised of a large network of routers. A router makes it possible for different networks of computers to communicate with each other. Each device on the router has a unique MAC(Media Access Controller) Address that is unique for that particular device. If one wanted to see the history of the device, you could track it by its MAC address. Also an IP Address, is given to each device connected to the router. These addresses can be local or global. Most routers will give the devices a local IP address which allows the devices on the network to communicate with each other. These IP addresses are not unique to the device, but they are unique amongst the devices attached to that specific router.

The information on the internet is sent through "packets". These packets are broken down pieces of information that a user is requesting or sending. Routers use the most logical way to send packets, which may not be the most direct way. Each time a packet is sent to a different location that is called a "hop". A "hop" is when the packet lands on different servers. If a person were to send a large amount of packets to a router, then it could cause it to overload. Firewalls are used to prevent this happening.

This is a very broad overview of what this podcast was about, and what I took away from it.

The internet is a massive network of computers connected through routers. Without routers this would not be possible. Routers allow transfer of information through different layers. There are 7 layers to the internet, only talking about first 3.

1. Bit Layer - physical data of communication i.e. pins, voltage, one device
2. Communication between devices - using LAN, router is unnecessary (switch)
3. Router -> controls information from LAN to internet.

Internet is sent through packets, these tells where its going and what piece it is. May find path to send traffic through the longer route rather than the direct route.

Protocols - languages routers use to speak to each other.

Routing table - set of rules to send packets over the internet. They are dynamic, constantly changing so the most efficient route is taken.

Router - is sent through "hops" certain protocols have limited number of hops, this information is sent through the data packets.

IP Address - own unique address, so that when you send you can have an address.

MAC Address (Media Access Control) - unique address for every device, different from ip address as its for the device not internet

Network Address Translation - more devices in the world, then we have ip address to connect to the internet. Dynamic IP addresses vs. Static. Local IP address (ones that are assigned through router vs. global address.

Can overload a router, by sending large amounts of packets to it. These are called Service Attacks. Firewalls can prevent service attacks through routers (hardware) or software.



This blog will be about the material that I learn in the Master of Internet Technology Program. The Class MIST 7500: Internet Technology, I will learn more about the internet and different applications that make the internet what it is. I hope to learn more about cloud computing, and be able to utilize the abilities of the cloud.

Overall, I am very excited to be in the program and hope that the skills learned in this course will help me with projects that I do in the future.